Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

All Content on Google Video Will Be Deleted Next Month

This spring cleaning season seems to have become a massive Google for the account and the content on some services. While YouTube and Blogger to force users to upgrade their old accounts, recently spread the news that Google Video is also doing the same thing and even seem more extreme by removing all the videos in your existing content without the possibility of migration or update your account even if its users .

So far, Google itself has sent an email to all users who have uploaded something to the Google Video service. It contains notices of removal of all existing content and start effectively enforced by the end of this month.
“Later this month, host video content on Google Video will not be available to play again. Google Video upload services ceased in May 2009, which then and now We will remove remaining host content, “said Google to users.

“We want you to move your content to YouTube, if you have not already. YouTube offers a lot of video hosting options, including the ability to share videos you personally or the way that is not listed even though “, he said.
As we all know, so far YouTube has become the world’s largest video site by a significant margin that offers some of the most sophisticated tools. However, the problem is precisely because the current Google itself does not offer a practical way to move content from Google Video to YouTube, so the users must do it manually.

“We’ve added the Download button to the video status page, so you can download any video content that you want to save. If you do not want to download your content, you do not need to do anything “, explains Google.

When users are still willing continue to have and access video content online, it would be nice if the user in question can create a new account on YouTube and Google Video remove the video from YouTube into account the new users manually. And given Google has blocked the upload on Google Video since two years ago, it is not expected to be many users who are still active today although still remaining about 2.8 million videos are still available though.

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